

All suspicions of fraud will be reported to the examination committee.


All previous submissions for the final assignments have been collected in a database. All submissions will be automatically compared with other submissions and with the submissions in the database, using an advanced tool for plagiarism detection in models. The tool is improved every year.


For the rules on fraud, we refer to the Examination Regulations (ER) available via the TU/e website for the Bachelor College Major Mechanical Engineering, see Chapter 3: FRAUDE EN FRAUDEMAATREGELEN / FRAUD AND MEASURES TO PREVENT FRAUD.


Please pay attention to Article 3.2 Complicity, taken from the 2019-2020 Examination Regulations:

  1. In cases of fraud, sanctions may be imposed not only on the perpetrator but also on others who are complicit in the fraud.

  2. Students shall in any case be deemed complicit if they permit other students to copy their work, and/or cooperate in this.

  3. If a joint author of a paper commits plagiarism, the other authors shall be deemed complicit if it can be reasonably assumed that they should or could have been aware of the plagiarism.

Please be aware this means that a whole group can be found complicit if a single person copies work from others.

Additional detail on how the rules affect group work for 4TC00

In addition to the general regulations, we would like to point out that students may help one another on general modeling principles required for the assignments, but they are not allowed to provide literal solutions to one another. Groups must hand in original work only.

The only exception is that all models presented on this 4TC00 website and during the lectures, including all exercises and all example models for the midterm and final assignments, can be freely copied and used without referring to the source.

Note also that all of the work handed in must be original. It is not allowed to start with a copy of someone else and then updating/changing/extending it.