Individual grading


Teachers are obliged to grade each student individually, even though the midterm and final assignments are carried out in groups of two or three students. Individual grading for the midterm and final assignments is achieved by analysis of the individual contribution of each student to the assignment repository of their group.

The fact that some groups work together all the time, does not necessarily mean that all students have contributed equally to the group’s work. Even when groups always work together, every student is still reponsible for their individual contribution to the assignment repository.

Individual grades midterm assignment

Individual grades are derived from the group grade. To grade the students, the teacher downloads all repositories and estimates the contribution to the group repository for each member. If the estimation is insufficient, the teacher will do a detailed assessment of the contribution of that group member to the repository, based on the changes contributed by the student in all commits.

Students that have a sufficient contribution to the repository will get the group grade as individual grade. Students with an insufficient contribution will receive a grade based on the quality of their contribution to the repository, so that their grade may deviate from the group grade.

Individual grades final assignment

  • The grading form defines the distribution of points for the group grade. Your individual grade is derived from this group grade, together with the peer review results and the quality of the work that you have contributed by pushing to the repository.

  • Each year, some students contribute only to the report and some other small aspects of the group work. This is bound to lead to an insufficient grade, since work on the report contributes only 10% to the group grade. Make sure that you also contribute to more important aspects of the group work, such as the first three categories that combined contribute to 80% of the group grade.