Exams and grading 2023

Grade distribution


Percentage of final grade

Average of 6 Canvas quizzes


Midterm assignment


Final assignment + peer review


Minimum grades to pass the course

According to Osiris, students pass a study component by scoring a 6 or higher on the examination. To pass the examination for 4TC00:

  1. The final assignment must be graded with at least a 5.0.

  2. The weighted average of the three graded components must be at least 5.5.

Graded Canvas quizzes

  • There are six graded Canvas quizes, each at the end of a module.

  • The due date of each quiz is one week after the day of its associated module in the course guide.

  • The precise deadline of each quiz is given in Canvas.

  • The answers to each quiz will be made available just after the submission deadline of the quiz. The answers will remain available for at least 14 days.

Assignments common info

Each assignment is done in a group of two or three students. The students can chose between a two or three person group in the first week. After that, the teacher assigns the two person groups either workstation 3 or 4, and the three person groups either workstion 1 or 2. The four workstations are:

  1. Distributing and Handling (1DH)

  2. Testing and Buffering (2TB)

  3. Processing (3P)

  4. Sorting (4S)

Midterm assignment

In the midterm assignment you will deal with all aspects of the final assignment, but only for a part of your chosen Festo workstation. For more information, see the Midterm assignment.

Midterm assignments are graded in real-time by the teacher by appointment, see Midterm assignment grading. Failure to meet the deadline, will lead to a reduction of the grade for the midterm assignment of 5 points (which corresponds to 0.5 point for the final course grade), and to a new deadline on Tuesday.

For the late submission, you need to make a new appointment. Failure to meet the late submission deadline, means zero points for the midterm assignment.

Final Assignment

This assignment continues where the midterm assignment ends. You will complete your model and test it using the supplied digital twin. When this test is approved, The controller can be tested on the actual Festo workstation. For more information, see the Final assignment.

For the points subtracted from the group grade when the submission is incorrect or late, see the Grading form final assignment group work. Failure to meet the late submission deadline means zero points for the final assignment.

Failure to meet the submission deadline for the peer review, will lead to a reduction of the individual grade of 0.5 point.

Peer review

For the final assignment you need to review your group members using the online peer review form in TEAMMATES. More info can be found on Peer review.



Please contact your teacher in case you want to take the resit. A resit is possible only for the final assignment. There are two possibilities:

  1. One or more persons of your group improve the original final assignment that has been submitted, to a maximum grade of 6. This means that when a grade higher than 6 is obtained, after the final assignment has been (re)submitted before the deadline of the resit, the grade for the final assignment will be a 6.

  2. One or more persons of your group get a different assignment. In that case, there will not be any restrictions on the grade.

When you have decided to take the resit, submit your textual answer as submission to either the:

When you have not submitted your info in one of the two mentioned Canvas groups, your work will not be graded. Please note that you also need to register for the resit in Osiris, otherwise your grade cannot be entered in Osiris.

Work on the assignment

Add a section Improvements with respect to submitted version in Q1 to the report of the resit, in which you explain what you have done to improve the original final assignment.

For the final commit, use the tag resit or resit-late, see Normal vs late submission.

The peer review procedure for the resit does not take place via TEAMMATES as for the final assignment. You may submit your peer review to the teacher by email. Take care not to miss the deadline. You will not get a reminder to submit the peer review.

Otherwise, the resit proceeds in the same way as the normal Final assignment. For the deadline, see the Deadlines.


Questions can be asked via the appropriate channels in Teams. Please use email only for private issues.